This one-day workshop by IITB Trust Lab and CMInDS will bring together risk professionals from the financial sector and AI, ML, and DS practitioners in academia, industry and startups. The risk experts will identify challenges and the workshop is aimed to develop actionable strategies to address anomalous activities in the financial sector.
This workshop is invitation-based. However, if you’re keen to participate, reach out to us at <>
Knowledge Partner
Thanks to SBI Foundation Hub for their support towards the workshop!

Who should attend?
Industry/Government: Practitioners with expertise in risk management and financial security.
Academia: Researchers and students at the cutting edge of AI/ML research
Software industry & Startups: Developers of technologies and/solutions tailored to India’s distinct needs.
Registration & Breakfast 8:30 - 10:00
Opening Remarks 10:00 - 10:10
Prof. D. Manjunath (PIC, Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science | C-MInDS)
Setting the Landscape 10:10 - 11:10
by Mr. P. R Ramesh (Former Chairperson, Deloitte India)
Digital Financial Fraud as Seen in NPCI 11:15 - 11:55
by Mr. Vishwanath Krishnamurthy
Coffee/tea in the Lobby 11:55 - 12:20
Data Breach and Data Protection: The New Frontiers 12:20 - 13:00
by Mr. Jayant Saran (Partner – Forensic | Financial Advisory, Deloitte India)
Lunch at Padma Vihar 13:00 - 14:15
Public Policy Aspects of Tackling Payment Fraud 14:15 - 14:55
by Mr. Nandkumar Saravade (Co-founder DeepStrat, founding CEO, ReBIT & former IPS officer)
Case Study: ATM Frauds 15:00 - 15:40
by Mr. Sachin Yadav (Partner – Forensic | Financial Advisory, Deloitte India)
Coffee/Tea in the Lobby 15:40 -16:05
Challenges to Stock Brokers 16:05 - 16:30
by Zerodha
Three Perspectives on the Way Forward 16:30 - 17:00
by Sulesh Kumar, Sandeep Ubale, and Venky Panchapagesan
Closing Remarks 17:00 - 17:10
by Prof. Kameswari Chebrolu (Faculty, CSE Department)
High Tea in the lobby 17:10 onwards
Setting the Landscape…by Mr. P. R Ramesh (Former Chairperson, Deloitte India)
Digital Financial Fraud as Seen in NPCI…by Mr. Vishwanath Krishnamurthy
Public Policy Aspects of Tackling Payment Fraud…by Mr. Nandkumar Saravade (Co-founder DeepStrat, founding CEO, ReBIT & former IPS officer)