
Stay connected with the latest happenings at IITB Trust Lab community! Newsworthy brings you a curated roundup of all the updates you don’t want to miss—from new team members joining our ranks and awards earned by faculty members and students to other exciting milestones and initiatives. Dive in to stay informed and celebrate the achievements of the IITB Trust Lab family!

IITB Trust Lab Appoints a New Advisory Board Member

We welcomed Dr. Srikanth Sundararajan, a well-known technology leader, respected investor, highly successful entrepreneur, and an exceptional organization builder to the IITB Trust Lab’s Advisory Board in September. With his vast experience in driving tech innovation and mentoring startups, Dr. Srikanth envisions IITB Trust Lab as a key player in cultivating the next generation of cybersecurity leaders to advance Digital Trust.

Other members of the IITB Trust Lab Advisory Board include Prof. Dan Boneh (Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University and Co-director of the Stanford Computer Security Lab), Mr. Sanjay Jain (Director of Digital Public Infrastructure, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), and Ms. Rama Vedashree (Former CEO, Data Security Council of India).

Second Annual Summit of Centers for Digital Trust

Prof. Manoj Prabhakaran (PIC, IITB Trust Lab) and Mr. Mukul Joshi (Program Director, IITB Trust Lab) represented the Trust Lab at the Second Annual Summit of Centers for Digital Trust in Glion, Switzerland, from August 28-30, 2024. 

Organized by Center for Digital Trust (C4DT), EPFL, this summit brought together leading academic centers of Digital Trust worldwide, continuing the valuable discussions from last year’s inaugural event. We’re excited to build on the ideas shared, strengthen collaborations, and work towards the mutual goals identified at the Summit.

IITB Trust Lab Grant 2024 Recipients

The IITB Trust Lab Grant supports IIT Bombay faculty in making impactful contributions to the field of Digital Trust by funding short-term projects focused on research, teaching, and resource development. In 2023, IITB Trust Lab awarded a total of INR 70 lakhs to nine faculty-led projects. The 2024 grant call attracted an impressive range of proposals, and after a rigorous selection process, funding was awarded to proposals that balance innovation and real-world impact. This marks the second tranche of the Trust Lab Grant program.

1. Prof. Biswabandan Panda – Are CPUs and GPUs Secure in the CPUs+GPUs based Modern Heterogeneous Systems?

2. Prof. Devashish Gosain – Don’t Block My Light: Internet Censorship and Collateral Damage

3. Prof. Sayandeep Saha – Knock Knock! Who? Crypto Folks Securing Secure Randomized Caches

4. Prof. Shishir K Jha – Data trustworthiness and the emerging data extraction landscape with AdTech and Real-Time Bidding: evolving a policy response for India

5. Prof. Swaprava Nath – Innovative Learning Material and Evaluation Platform Development for Trustworthy AI

6. Prof. Vinay Ribeiro – Latency Sensitive Blockchain Networks: Incentives and Attacks

Student Spotlight

Kudos Nilabha Saha for bagging International Rank 1 in the ‘University Student’ category at the Eleventh International Olympiad in Cryptography conducted by NSUCRYPTO! 

Held on October 13, 2024, the Olympiad attracted participants across three categories — school students, university students, and professionals — from around the world.


NSUCRYPTO is renowned for its unique approach, blending problem-solving with unsolved research questions in modern cryptography, drawing over 3,000 participants from 68 countries since its inception in 2014.

Nilabha is currently pursuing Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree Program with B.Tech. in CSE and M.Sc. in Mathematics at IIT Bombay. 

He is working on his B.Tech. project in the field of Secure Multi-party Computation under the guidance of Prof. Manoj Prabhakaran at IITB Trust Lab.

Student Spotlight

Sumon Nath, an MS student from Prof. Biswabandan Panda’s CASPER research group, presented his paper titled “Secure Prefetching for Secure Cache Systems” at the 57th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), the premier conference in Computer Architecture. The Symposium took place in Austin, Texas, USA, from November 2–6, 2024, with Sumon’s presentation held on November 4.

This research, supported by IITB Trust Lab, addresses the challenges between secure caches and hardware prefetching, and it offers a pioneering approach to mitigating transient execution attacks through hardware prefetchers without sacrificing performance.

Student Spotlight

Anubhav Bhatla has been selected for the Intel Research Fellowship Program 2024 in SoC Architecture and System Design for Cloud Computing, for his research project titled “It is Time for Secure and Practical Randomized Caches for Cloud Computing.”

Anubhav is a fifth-year Dual Degree student (B.Tech + M.Tech) in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Electronic Systems with a Minor in Computer Science and Engineering. He is associated with IITB Trust Lab through Prof. Biswabandan Panda’s Computer Architecture for Security and Performance (CASPER) group.

The IITB Trust Lab Colloquium Series is a platform that brings together researchers, practitioners, and thought leaders from around the world to present the latest developments and state-of-the-art innovations in the ever-evolving field of Digital Trust. Our colloquiums cover a wide range of topics, addressing cutting-edge research and practical solutions that tackle some of the most pressing challenges in digital security, privacy, and trust.

The ultimate aim is to foster knowledge exchange, creating an opportunity for deep discussions and insightful debates among professionals, academics, and students.

If you’ve missed any of our recent talks or would like to revisit them, don’t worry—our YouTube channel has the full recordings available.